We all know the way irritating it's to grind fame factors simply to get the heroic key for a sure occasion or get attuned for a raid. The purpose of this information is to make the rep detrition as time-efficient as doable.
Note: Heroic keys now alone require 'honored' standing to buy.
The following factions are listed in alphabetical orders.
Reddit Pivx
Aldor Neutral - Honored: Marks of Kil'Jaeden Honored - Exalted: Marks of Sargeras, Fel Armaments, Quests
Ashtongue Deathsworn Neutral - Exalted: Black Temple, quests
Cenarion Expedition Neutral - Honored: Unidentified Plant Parts, Slave Pens, Underbog Honored - Exalted: Steamvault, Quests, Coilfang Armaments
Consortium Neutral - Friendly: Mana Tombs, Crystal Fragments, Heads Full of Ivory Friendly - Honored: Mana Tombs Honored - Exalted: Quests, Heap of Ethereals, Obsidian Warbeads, Ethereum Prisoner Keys
Honor Hold Neutral - Honored: Ramparts, Blood Furnace Honored - Exalted: Quests, Shattered Halls
Keepers of Time Neutral - Exalted: Quests, Old Hillsbrad, Black Morass
Kurenai Neutral - Exalted: Quests, Obsidian Warbeads, Grinding Mobs
Lower City Neutral - Honored: Auchenai Crypts, Sethekk Halls, Feathers Honored - Exalted: Quests, Shadow Labyrinth
Mag'har Neutral - Exalted: Grinding Mobs, Quests, Obsidian Warbeads Note: Consortium additionally takes Warbeads, I recommendation ending all quests and detrition the mobs for the rep, whereas turning the Warheads certain Consortium.
Netherwing (require 300 Riding Skill To obtain Exalted) Friendly - Exalted: Daily Quests + Egg Hunt List of Quests: Egg Hunt, A Slow Death, Netherdust Pollen, Netherwing Crystal, Not So Friendly Skies, Great Netherwing, A Cure for the Common Worthless Peon, Picking up the Pieces, Dragons Are the Least of Our Problems, Disrupting the Twilight Portal, The Greatest Trap Ever Laid
Ogri'la XXX - Neutral: Quest chain "Speak with the Ogre" Neutral - Honored: The Relic's Emanation (Daily), Wrangle Some Aether Rays, Bombing Run Honored - Exalted: All three above, plus Banish the Demons
Scale of the Sands Neutral - Exalted: CoT: Battle of Mount Hyjal, The Vials of Eternity
Scryers Neutral - Honored: Firewing Signets Honored - Exalted: Arcane tomes, Sunfury Signets, Quests
Sha'tar Neutral - Honored: Aldor/Scryers turnins Honored - Exalted: Quests, Tempest Keep
Sha'tari Skyguard Neutral - Exalted: World of Shadows, Fires Over Skettis, Escape from Skettis, Wrangle Some Aether Rays!, Bombing Run
Shattered Sun Offensive Neutral - Exalted: Daily Quests, Magister's Terrace
Sporeggar Neutral - Friendly: The Sporelings Plight, Bog Lord Tendrils Honored - Revered: Bog Lords Revered - Exalted: Quests, More Bog Lords
The Violet Eye Neutral - Exalted: Karazhan, Quests
Thrallmar Neutral - Honored: Ramparts, Blood Furnace Honored - Exalted: Quests, Shattered Halls