Businessman Robert Kiyosaki isn't the one high-profile determine to advocate turning to Bitcoin in the course of the present monetary disaster, yet he is among the few making it sound like a life and loss of life determination.
On May 19, the very best promoting creator of the ebook "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" took to Twitter in a mostly all-caps content denouncing the Federal Reserve's actions in the course of the pandemic and his perception that property like gold, silver, and Bitcoin (BTC) could be traders' saviors throughout this disaster.
NEW YORK CITY GOING BROKE. All cities depend on INCOME TAX, SALES TAX & REAL ESTATE TAXES, particularly COMMERCIAL RE. Add pension off off contributions for academics firefighters & police. USA GOING BROZkE. FED PRINTING FAKE $ can't SAVE YOU. Get gold silver Bitcoin and SAVE YOUR SELF.
- therealkiyosaki (@theRealKiyosaki) May 19, 2020
Kiyosaki's earlier tweet - written simply 5 hours earlier - was way more ominous in its warnings, throwing shade at Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and a well well-known determine inside the United States' coronavirus response. He expressed his considerations few "new pandemic" and "more fear" later in 2020.
Cointelegraph according on May 17 that the creator had used Twitter to foretell a Bitcoin worth of $75,000 with a well extra subdued content: his worry of a dying economic system, and perception the Fed has displaying incompetence dealt with the monetary disaster.